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The difference between a friend and a really good friend  

A fiend is a person who you can do something with. A person who you can spend your free time with. You will do things together, and have a fairly fin time together, but you will never have something more together, you will never feel solidarity.

 A really good friend is a person who knows you so well that you will never need to tell her, she still knows. She knows when you feel bad, when you are sad. She sees it in your eyes, she can interpret the feelings your eyes send. 

It can sometimes be hard to do everyday things with her, but it’s of no significance when you have the deeper friendship. This friend will ever be there for you, and you will ever be there for her. This deep friendship makes the hard thing, the hard feelings, so much easier. 

With this deep friendship you will never be alone again. 

But it’s not so easy to find a person who you can get this deep friendship with. It must feel right from the beginning. This isn’t a thing that grows out. It can be better, but it must be there from the beginning. 

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